Get d'Clu

Get a clue & wake up! The best way to lead a nation astray of its values is to keep it ignorant of its history.

Two Sets of Justice

Some pigs are more equal than others…  The story Animal Farm should be required reading for all High Schoolers, and it was at one time, not so long ago.  With the President’s decision to put the fate of the worst terrorists known to the industrialized world in the hands of 12 jurors and the whims and potential technicalities of the American justice system not only in jeopardy, but that’s the point – isn’t it?  Payback to all those Muslim-hating conservatives who get in the way of his NWO plans; payback to all the far-left islamofascists who financed his campaign; payback to the Saudi Prince to whom he bowed and whose ring Obama kissed… 
Don’t worry, Mr. President, your payback will come next election day!jump from crashing tower

Here are some of the better thoughts from the bloggers out there in the un-neutralized zone™.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Making a mockery of our courts…

Today Attorney General Eric Holder held a press conference to announce his decision to prosecute five of the 9-11 co-conspirators in our Federal Courts. He also mentioned that others will be prosecuted by a Military Commission. We now have two separate sets of Justice in our country. He explained the different factors that he took into consideration when determining who would be tried by our Department of Justice and who would be tried by the Defense Department. According to him the five being tried by our Justice Department committed crimes involving civilians while those to be tried by our Defense Department committed their crimes against our military. My friends this was an act of WAR and it belongs in the hands of a Military Commission. These animals are going to use this opportunity to spew their hate of this country and make a complete mockery of the entire process. This is outrageous.

I hate to think that these animals could get off because of some stupid technicality. It happens all the time when our courts are involved. Remember the incompetence of Judge Ito during the OJ Simpson trial? It is frightening. The rules all of a sudden change[d]. I would think that some of the evidence which was gathered through the use of water boarding would not be admissible. These animals have already confessed to these terrorist acts. They wanted to plead guilty last December and were willing to die as martyrs for their religion. The bottom line is that we will pay the price. The only thing that will be on trial will be our country. [emphasis mine] Believe me they can find a leftist Judge out there who hates this country and is willing to put us on trial. Our interrogation techniques will be back on the news and a lot of our Government intelligence will be exposed. The State Run Media will have a feast. They will be putting the lives of those who have defended this country (CIA) in jeopardy. This will turn into a circus and a platform for these low lives to spew their rhetoric. Stay tuned…


Obama Reduces September 11th Act of War on America to a Law Enforcement Issue (Atlas Shrugs)

In a stunning act of denial and capitulation to Islamic jihad, the Obama administration submits by bringing the masterminds of the shocking invasion of America into a New York courtroom, to try the Muslim masterminds of the most brutal attack on American soil in modern history — joining “over a millennium of jihad wars, land expropriations, enslavements, and humiliations of the conquered non-Muslim populations on three continents.”

Imagine, the enemy is facing a civilian trial in NYC. Devastating. How much intel will be compromised when these jihad barbarians are all lawyered up? Those bastards should be tried as war criminals at GITMO – military court.


Same Old, Same Old at Fort Hood

By Victor Davis Hanson · Thursday, November 12, 2009

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is accused of murdering last week 13 people (12 of whom were soldiers) and wounding another 30 at Fort Hood, Texas. It was not the first, nor will it be the last, domestic terrorist incident since Sept. 11, 2001. ***See below*** 

Boehner: 9/11 Show Trial an “Irresponsible Decision”

Boehner says putting the so-called perps on trial would revert to a “dangerous pre-9/11 mentality – treating terrorism as a law enforcement issue and hoping for the best.” The neocons argue that the Constitution — or for that matter, the Geneva Convention — do not apply to terrorists.

Mukasey: ‘very high’ risk of attack over NYC 9/11 trial

Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey said today that it is highly likely that terrorists will attack New York City as a consequence of the Obama administration’s decision to send five alleged Sept. 11 plotters there for trial in federal court.


The Names of Those Killed at Fort Hood 

(Patriot Post)
Our prayers go out to the families, friends and comrades in arms of those killed and wounded at Fort Hood last Thursday. Here are the 14 who died:

Chief Warrant Officer Michael Grant Cahill, 65, of Cameron, Texas, husband and father of three, had just returned to work as a physician assistant after suffering a heart attack.

Maj. Libardo Eduardo Caraveo, 52, of Woodbridge, Virginia, was a native of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. He was preparing to deploy to Afghanistan, and leaves a wife, three sons and two step-daughters.

Staff Sgt. Justin M. DeCrow, 32, of Evans, Georgia, was helping train new soldiers on how to help new veterans with paperwork. He was a husband and father.

Capt. John Gaffaney, 56, of San Diego, California, was married with a son. He was a psychiatric nurse and had arrived at Fort Hood the day before the shooting to prepare for deployment to Iraq.

Spc. Frederick Greene, 29, of Mountain City, Tennessee, was a combat engineer who leaves behind a wife and two daughters.

Spc. Jason Dean Hunt, 22, of Tipton, Oklahoma, was recently married and had three children. He served a tour in Iraq and had re-enlisted for six more years.

Sgt. Amy Krueger, 29, of Kiel, Wisconsin, with the Madison-based 467th Medical Detachment, had arrived at Fort Hood on Tuesday and was scheduled to be deployed to Afghanistan in December. She enlisted just after 9/11.

Pfc. Aaron Thomas Nemelka, 19, of West Jordan, Utah, was an Eagle Scout. He was scheduled to be deployed to Afghanistan in January. His job: to defuse bombs. Nemelka had enlisted in the Army in October 2008.

Spc. Michael Pearson , 21, of Bolingbrook, Illinois, was a talented musician who joined the Army only a year ago.

Capt. Russell Seager, 51, of Racine, Wisconsin, was a psychiatrist who joined the Army a few years ago because he wanted to help veterans returning to civilian life. He had gone to Fort Hood for training before deploying to Afghanistan in December. He leaves behind a wife and a son.

Pvt. Francheska Velez, 21, of Chicago recently had returned from a tour of duty in Iraq and was pursuing a career in the Army. She was in the building where the shooting occurred filling out paperwork due to her pregnancy. Her unborn child was the 14th victim.

Juanita Warman, 55, of Pittsburgh was a military physician assistant and the daughter and granddaughter of Army veterans. She leaves behind a husband and two daughters.

Spc. Kham Xiong, 23, of St. Paul, Minnesota, immigrated from Thailand as a child. He graduated from St. Paul’s Community of Peace Academy in 2004 and was a husband and father. He was at Ft. Hood preparing for a January deployment.

We Will NEVER Forget

Two Sets of Justice:

November 14, 2009 - Posted by | Jihad in America, Politics, propaganda, Real Purpose of Govt., WordPress Political Blogs | , , , , , , , , ,


  1. […] Sgt. Amy Krueger , 29, of Kiel, Wisconsin, with the Madison-based 467th Medical Detachment, had arrived at Fort Hood on Tuesday and was scheduled to be deployed to Afghanistan in December. She enlisted just after 9/11. …This Blog […]

    Pingback by Niles’s Whatever Journal » Two Sets of Justice « Get D’clu | December 12, 2009 | Reply

  2. To be honest with you guys I think I would take Judge Judy anytime over some leftist Judge. I watch her all the time and no-one makes a mockery of her court room. She would have had OJ in the slammer.

    Comment by Joey | November 23, 2009 | Reply

  3. great post as usual .. thanks .. you just gave me a few more ideas to play with

    Comment by forex robot | November 19, 2009 | Reply

    • So let me know how we helped, Paul! Do share. Can I put a forum on here or is this theme static?

      Comment by Lisa | November 22, 2009 | Reply

  4. Backward Trials – Les Lawrence 11-17-09

    Why has the media missed the trial contradictions? The Fort Hood trial involves a Muslim American terrorist in a military tribunal. The New York trial involves a foreign terrorist given a civilian trial with all the rights of a US citizen. What is wrong with this picture? The effect of this inversion of rights, benefits Islam in both cases. Much of the Fort Hood case will be private, thus not exposing the Islamist ideology of Hassan. The New York situation, on the other hand, will be a media circus for years. The danger is that it will be a bully pulpit for the most radical Muslim propaganda, and worse, an exceptional opportunity to recruit home grown terrorists. Furthermore, it will be a political punching bag of the Bush administration and the CIA. Just as President Obama’s unprecedented bows to the Saudi King and the Japanese Emperor, the United States is bowing to Islam via these trials.

    Comment by Les Lawrence | November 18, 2009 | Reply

    • Perfectly said, Les. Thank you!! Your site is just my speed and most interesting. Please keep in touch. I look forward to beginning a long friendship with ElishaVision/ShalomPeniel/Lawrences! Please read the About Me for some history, then email me at the blog addy. May the Lord keep us safe as we continue to do His will.

      Comment by Lisa | November 18, 2009 | Reply

  5. […] on obamacare: devils in the details A Tale of Two Cities Two Sets of Justice Old Yellers Keith Olbermann and Michael Musto on Carrie Prejean Running From Larry King Olbermann […]

    Pingback by 11/14-PCW Extreme Political TV on P-SPAN: Book Burnings, Bionic Arms, and Women College Soccer Players Going Rogue « Political Championship Wrestling | November 16, 2009 | Reply

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