Get d'Clu

Get a clue & wake up! The best way to lead a nation astray of its values is to keep it ignorant of its history.

No Longer a Nation of Laws—Super-Majority Required to Repeal Obamacare

 How is this action not treasonous?  Why does the public sit for it?  Where is the outcry?  Let the tsunami cover them all with their own shame and lies this February in Illinois.

We Are No Longer a Nation of Laws. Senate Sets Up Requirement for Super-Majority to Ever Repeal Obamacare

By DCT | December 22, 2009

The Senate Democrats declare a super-majority of senators will be needed to overrule any regulation imposed by the Death Panels
Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile) Monday, December 21st at 10:15PM EST at

If ever the people of the United States rise up and fight over passage of Obamacare, Harry Reid must be remembered as the man who sacrificed the dignity of his office for a few pieces of silver. The rules of fair play that have kept the basic integrity of the Republic alive have died with Harry Reid. Reid has slipped in a provision into the health care legislation prohibiting future Congresses from changing any regulations imposed on Americans by the Independent Medicare [note: originally referred to as “medical”] Advisory Boards, which are commonly called the “Death Panels.”

It was Reid leading the Democrats who ignored 200 years of Senate precedents to rule that Senator Sanders could withdraw his amendment while it was being read.

It was Reid leading the Democrats who has determined again and again over the past few days that hundreds of years of accumulated Senate parliamentary rulings have no bearing on the health care vote.  [emphasis mine and throughout]

On December 21, 2009, however, Harry Reid sold out the Republic in toto.

Upon examination of Senator Harry Reid’s amendment to the health care legislation, Senators discovered section 3403. That section changes the rules of the United States Senate.

To change the rules of the United States Senate, there must be sixty-seven votes.

Section 3403 of Senator Harry Reid’s amendment requires that “it shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment, or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection.” The good news is that this only applies to one section of the Obamacare legislation. The bad news is that it applies to regulations imposed on doctors and patients by the Independent Medicare Advisory Boards a/k/a the Death Panels.

Section 3403 of Senator Reid’s legislation also states, “Notwithstanding rule XV of the Standing Rules of the Senate, a committee amendment described in subparagraph (A) may include matter not within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Finance if that matter is relevant to a proposal contained in the bill submitted under subsection (c)(3).” In short, it sets up a rule to ignore another Senate rule.

Senator Jim DeMint confronted the Democrats over Reid’s language. In the past, the Senate Parliamentarian has repeatedly determined that any legislation that also changes the internal standing rules of the Senate must have a two-thirds vote to pass because to change Senate rules, a two-thirds vote is required. Today, the Senate President, acting on the advice of the Senate Parliamentarian, ruled that these rules changes are actually just procedural changes and, despite what the actual words of the legislation say, are not rules changes. Therefore, a two-thirds vote is not needed in contravention to longstanding Senate precedent.

To read the whole article click here!

I will personally work on the campaigns of the opponents of these Senators if they run for re-election; we MUST sweep them ALL OUT OF WASHINGTON unless they are FOR conservative values and can PROVE it by their record!

[Be sure to read comments from Publius Huldah.]

No Longer a Nation of Laws—Super-Majority Required to Repeal Obamacare:

December 30, 2009 Posted by | (Un)Limited Government, 10th Amendment, Agenda of the Left, Citizen Patriotism, Constituional Issues, Fiscal (Ir)Responsibility, Real Purpose of Govt., WordPress Political Blogs | , , , , | 2 Comments

Sen. Nelson’s Real Profession

More Christmas Goodies for Sen. Nelson

by Chris Muir


December 23, 2009 Posted by | 10th Amendment, Agenda of the Left, Fiscal (Ir)Responsibility, Politics, Real Purpose of Govt., WordPress Political Blogs | , , , , , | 2 Comments

What To Do? IL Primary Can Be Tsunami

I sent this as an email to all my co-Patriot friends.  Feel free to do the same.

Fellow Patriots,
In a stunning move, Harry Reid is looking to change this country forever… and not for the better.  He’s put in a provision to stop us from ever changing it in the future!
In the latest post at, we bring light to the fact that Reid is now starting to include language in his healthcare bill that would ban future lawmakers from changing the legislation.
In other words, once they get this thing passed, we’ll be slaves to it forever. And there will be nothing we can do about it within the constraints of our current system of government.
This blatant violation of his oath for office could not be more clear.  This is against our Constitution—the standard by which we judge those who work for us!
Is that the kind of news you want to hear?

Well, what have you done to change politics-as-usual in Illinois?

Sure, you can vote. Remember, for every one of your votes there is a gravestone in Cook County with an absentee ballot on it.

Sure, you can attend rallies in freezing weather that the press ignores and politicians use for comic relief. Doesn’t that just make your blood boil?

Sure, you can make phone calls to your elected so-called representatives.. How’s that working out for you?

Sure, you can sign petitions, fill out surveys, and fill up your friends’ in boxes with political flotsam and jetsam. How does preaching to the choir change the other voters’ minds on election day?

Or, you can put information about candidates’ positions, minus the spin, on important issues in the hands of actual voters on election day.

So which is it? Politics as usual? Or a tsunami that starts in the Mississippi valley and spreads to all three coasts that sweeps the corruption-addicted politicians out-of-office?
Illinois is the first primary in the country. What the embattled people of Illinois say in February at the polls will be louder than anything that you individually can hope to say. How do you influence voters that don’t pay attention to the din of politics on the Internet and cable news and traditional media?

So what can you do?

First listen to this recording Teleconference Audio – Candidate Research – from 2009-12-06. Then go to the Tasks page, pick a legislative district, do the research described in the recording and on that page, and post the results of your work. (At Abigail Adams Project – see link below)


There is no tomorrow!

The universe (creator, God, etc.) rewards people who take action differently than those who do not.
Visit Illinois Abigail Adams Project at: or Visit Liberty Movement Social Network at:

We need to be thinking about this, and we need to be ready to confront it in 2010.
Enjoy a blessed and comfortable week with your family, but be ready for the political fight of your life shortly thereafter.
For Liberty,

~ Lisa
“Every generation needs a new revolution.” ~ Thomas Jefferson


 Leave a comment on a post here, with a link, and say what YOU are doing for Freedom!




What To Do? IL Primary Can Be Tsunami:



December 23, 2009 Posted by | (Un)Limited Government, 10th Amendment, 1st Amendment, Action Alert, Citizen Patriotism, Constituional Issues, Govt Oppression, MSM Disinterest, Politics, Real Purpose of Govt., Wake Up, WordPress Political Blogs | , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Health Policy Insights

CBO: Insurance Proposal Would Effectively Nationalize Private Insurance

December 17, 2009
by John Goodman

 A Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) is the percentage of premium dollars an insurer spends on claims as opposed to administrative costs and other expenses. According to news reports, a proposal from Senator Rockefeller and others would limit MLRs to 90%. The Reid bill already requires insurers to issue rebates to enrollees on a pro rata basis if its medical loss ratio falls below 80% or lower for the individual and small-group markets or 85% or lower for the large-group market. 

However, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says that a 90% MLR would expand “the federal government’s regulatory role in the health insurance market so much that it would make such insurance an essentially governmental program, so that all transactions related to health insurance policies (even those with private companies) should be recorded as cash flows in the federal budget.”  A similar ruling helped kill Hillary Clinton’s health reform proposal 15 years ago.

Donald Marron, former Acting Director of CBO, explains the issue at his blog.


 Is This Fair?

Dec 17, 2009
by John Goodman

Health reform on Capitol Hill:

Focus on Jane, a primary breadwinner making $48,000 (in 2016) to support her family of four. If Jane is offered insurance by her employer that meets the test, she must accept it or pay a fine. That means Jane ends up paying for the entire cost of, say, a $14,100 policy, according to some economists. They say she pays the premiums out of pocket and the remainder indirectly because employers offer reduced paychecks to offset the cost of their share of health insurance.

Now, meet Julie, who also makes $48,000 and is not offered insurance at her job. Julie heads to the newly created exchange to purchase the same policy. But it costs her only $5,300. The rest – about $9,000 – comes from federal subsidies.


Full editorial by Douglas Holtz-Eakin in The Boston Globe.


How Much Does Insurance Really Cost?
Dec 16, 2009
by Greg Scandlen

CNNMoney reports on a recent study by that found:

Half of individual policyholders paid $132 or less per month… According to the report, in 2009 the median non-group health insurance premium for an individual in the United States was $1,584 per year ($132 per month) and the average deductible was $2,326. Combined, annual premiums and deductibles account for approximately 7.7 percent of median household income for 2008 ($50,303) as reported by the US Census Bureau.

Now, if individuals buying their own insurance got the same tax break as employees get for employer-provided coverage and if there were a back-up mechanism for high-risk applicants, we might dramatically reduce the numbers of uninsured without any individual mandate.Your new doctor?


New Mammogram Guidelines Show What We Should Expect 



Here are some alternatives to Obamacare:

National Center for Policy Analysis

Health Plan

To confront America’s health care crisis, we do not need more spending, more regulations or more bureaucracy. We do need people, however, including every doctor and every patient. All 300 million Americans must be free to use their intelligence, their creativity and their innovative ability to make the changes needed to create access to low-cost, high-quality health care.
NCPA HC plan (7 page pdf)

Consumers for Health Care Choices

Our friends at FreedomWorks, the National Center for Policy Analysis, and the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste provide great services that enable you to communicate with your Congress Critters. If you are a doctor, go to Take Back, a project of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Health Action Network, an online site sponsored by WellPoint that brings together medical personnel, patients, and informed consumers, also makes it easy for you to communicate with your elected officials. Please take a few minutes to make your voice heard.

You can also sign up for Greg Scandlen’s weekly e-newsletter, Consumer Power Report, become a member of Consumers for Health Care Choices (CHCC), or become a donor to The Heartland Institute, the parent organization of CHCC. See Peter Ferrara’s recent     Heartland Policy Study for the facts about ObamaCare, and The Heartland Institute’s Health Care Issue Suite for extensive background information about health care reform.

And if you think your taxes won’t be affected by Obamacare, you’re drinking Kool-Aid!

Tea Party Patriots

December 17, 2009 Posted by | Agenda of the Left, Family, Fiscal (Ir)Responsibility, Life with Big Brother, Politics, Real Purpose of Govt., Wake Up, WordPress Political Blogs | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

IL Becomes an Official Terrorists’ State—Gitmo North

ILLINOIS TEA PARTY PATRIOTS are taking the lead on protesting the GITMO Terrorists moving to our state. It was announced this morning that the White House has made the decision, even though as late as yesterday, Quinn’s office said that the December 22nd Public Hearing will determine if this transfer will happen. 

Here is what WE can do to bring awareness to our citizens and get our voices heard!  Do we live in a communist country where our voices mean nothing??  
Other groups in Illinois will be joining us on 12/22 – AS WILL A GROUP TO COUNTER-PROTEST US
This was sent to me anonymously last night from the Democratic underground:

Tea-Bag Counter-Protest (Gitmo Trials)
Tuesday, December 22nd 2009 1 P.M.
Sterling, IL USA

Opponents of a plan to house Guantanamo Bay detainees in Carroll County say they’ll protest the move before a public hearing to be held by an advisory panel made up of state House and Senate members.

Illinois TEA Party Patriots plan to rally outside Sterling High School’s Centennial Auditorium 1 hour before the Illinois Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability opens a mandatory hearing on the sale of Thomson Correctional Center to the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

AP 12/15/09
WASHINGTON – Taking an important step on the thorny path to closing the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the White House plans to announce Tuesday that the government will acquire an underutilized state prison in rural Illinois to be the new home for a limited number of terrorist suspects held at Guantanamo.

Administration officials as well as Illinois Sen. Richard Durbin and Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn will make an official announcement at the White House.
Officials from both the White House and Durbin’s office confirmed that President Barack Obama had directed the government to acquire Thomson Correctional Center in Thomson, Ill., a sleepy town near the Mississippi River about 150 miles from Chicago. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid pre-empting Tuesday’s announcement.

Guantanamo Bay North: Thomson, Illinois

Decision to Bring Detainees to U.S. Places International Public Relations Above American Security“I remain opposed to transferring Guantanamo detainees to Illinois, or anywhere in the U.S., while awaiting more detailed information on what’s being proposed, including potential security threats and plans for resolving detainees’ final status.  As of yet, I have seen neither.”                    
— Rep. Melissa Bean (D-IL), November 18, 2009

On Tuesday, December 15, 2009, the Obama Administration announced that it will buy the Thomson Correctional Center, a State prison in Thompson, Illinois, for the purpose of housing up to 100 detainees currently held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.  This move would be a precursor to shutting down the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, which President Obama proposed in a January 2009 executive order.  According to the executive order, Guantanamo Bay would be shut by late January 2010, though that deadline will clearly be missed.  Before detainees can be moved, however, Congress must vote to allow detainees to be housed on U.S. soil for reasons other than trial.  The House Republican Conference has compiled several reason why bringing Guantanamo Bay detainees to the U.S. is dangerous, jeopardizes justice, and is a poor use of taxpayer funds.

Jeopardizing Justice:  The Thomson prison is located in the Northern District of Illinois, meaning that any civilian prosecution of terrorist detainees held there would probably occur in Rockford or downtown Chicago.   In Illinois, terrorist detainees may well enjoy the legal rights and benefits of U.S. citizens and resident aliens under the Constitution.   According to the Congressional Research Service, “non-citizens held in the United States may be entitled to more protections under the Constitution than those detained abroad.” [emphasis mine]  If tried by civilian courts, the government would be forced to reveal all of its intelligence on detainees and how it obtained it.  Additionally, treating the terrorist attacks as a simple criminal matter rather than an act of war will hinder U.S. efforts to fight terrorism and sends the wrong signal to U.S. enemies abroad.  Costly civilian court trials for detainees moved to Illinois will also likely take years.  Additionally, at a civilian trial, prosecutors would be forced to reveal U.S. intelligence on detainees, along with the methods and sources used in acquiring it.  This will enable al Qaeda to better understand our intelligence-gathering techniques and respond accordingly.  For example, Osama bin Laden used U.S. government information revealed during the 1993 World Trade Center bombing criminal trial to update and enhance his techniques. 

Wasting Taxpayer Dollars:  The Federal Bureau of Prisons estimates that purchasing the Thomson prison would cost the federal government about $120 million up front and $65 million to $85 million annually to operate.  The state-of-the-art detention facility at Guantanamo Bay was built at a cost of over $50 million for the explicit purpose of keeping terrorists away from U.S. soil.  Members may be concerned that scrapping the Guantanamo Bay facility for a more expensive one in the U.S. is an imprudent use of taxpayer dollars during a recession.  Holding and prosecuting detainees in Illinois would also place a significant cost burden on the State and local governments, as well as pose an enormous inconvenience to residents and taxpayers.  If the Moussaoui trial is an example, Rockford or Chicago will be a scene of rooftop snipers, bomb-sniffing dogs inspecting cars, identification checks, and heavily armed patrols. 

Risking Security:  Moving almost 100 terrorist detainees to Illinois would likely increase the focus of terrorists on the State and especially Chicago metropolitan area, possibly making the region a target.  The Chicago area is home to about 9.5 million residents, the tallest building in the U.S. (Sears Tower) and the busiest airport in the nation (O’Hare International).  The people of Illinois and the Midwest should not be subjected to such a greater security threat unnecessarily. 

Thomson Correctional Center:  The Thomson Correctional Center is an eight-year-old State prison located in rural Thomson, Illinois, near the border with Iowa.  The facility is about 150 miles from Chicago.  The 1,600-bed State prison currently holds about 200 minimum security inmates.  Some Members may be concerned that the Thomson prison does not have facilities for civilian trials or military commissions, and the closest hospital for surgery or intensive care is about 10 miles away, in Iowa.

Democrats have yet to explain how closing Guantanamo Bay and moving terrorists to the U.S. will make Americans safer.  Republicans have proposed H.R. 2294, the Keep Terrorists Out of America Act, which gives Congress an opportunity to stand with the American people by affirming their opposition to releasing the terrorists at Guantanamo prison or bringing them into the U.S.  The bill makes clear that governors and State legislatures must pre-approve the transfer or release of any terrorist detainee into their respective states.  Lastly, it requires the President to meet strict criteria and certification standards before terrorists housed at the Guantanamo prison could be brought to the United States.  For more information, visit [ Staff Contact: Adam Hepburn,, x63202 ]

Please be sure to sign and forward our petition:

Please feel free to forward this article with the petition to people in Illinois.
Chuck Goudie’s article:

There’s no date yet for the garage sale at Gitmo.

Nevertheless, White House officials are about to send off a supply of wardrobe boxes so 250 radical Islamist terrorists can start packing their thobe robes for a one-way trip to Illinois.

Expect an announcement before the end of the year that part of the nearly empty Thomson, Illinois, state penitentiary will be turned into a prison camp for Guantanamo inmates. Might I recommend that the feds also buy a selection of thermal taqiyahs to keep the prisoners’ scalps from getting chilly. Northwestern Illinois isn’t as warm as eastern Cuba in the wintertime.

A draft of a memo prepared by the Justice Department identified Thomson as the number one site under consideration. The memo had been “leaked” to a political Web site; however, don’t confuse the term “leaked” with “unapproved.” Most information leaked by politicians or their top staffers is part of a grand scheme devised by operatives in a formerly smoky room.

Asked about the memo, a White House official described it as “pre-decisional,” which makes perfect sense. “Pre” means before and “decisional” means the act of making a decision. Since a decision hasn’t been made yet, pre-decisional is an apt description … especially if the White House official was pre-delusional as to what the outcome will be.
Once the place is purchased by the Federal Bureau of Prisons and Gitmo prisoners are moved to Thomson, the fun will begin.
Just like it did at Guantanamo.

Call it playing by the book.

The “Declaration of Jihad” book.

The rules of engagement for captured terrorists are prescribed as clearly as can be in lesson 18. That is the chapter titled “Prisons and Detention Centers.” Here are the first two, and presumably most important, rules for prisoners to follow:

1. At the beginning of the trial, once more the brothers must insist on proving that torture was inflicted on them by State Security (investigators) before the judge. 2. Complain (to the court) of mistreatment while in prison.

So, whether or not terrorist prisoners have been strung up by their toenails, they are to “insist on proving torture was inflicted on them” and “complain of mistreatment while in prison.”

Such tactics shouldn’t be surprising. The playbook was found by British police in May of 2000 on a computer seized during a raid of Osama bin Laden’s one-time personal secretary.

Even though the 180-page “al-Qaida handbook,” was authenticated and used by federal prosecutors, it has been criticized as incomplete and not the genuine article.

You can’t argue with this: The rules set forth in the prison section of the Jihad handbook line up with the behavior of top terrorist suspects at Gitmo.

“The brother has to do his best to know the names of the state security officers, who participated in his torture and mention their names to the judge,” states one rule for captured Jihadists. “These names may be obtained from brothers who had to deal with those officers in previous cases.”

If you don’t still don’t believe that Thomson-bound terrorists are just following orders by fabricating torture claims, consider these comments:

“al-Qaida’s training manual, seized by British authorities in Manchester, England, openly instructs detained al-Qaida fighters to claim torture and other types of abuse as a means of obtaining a moral advantage over their captors.

That advice has been routinely followed by detainees at Guantanamo Bay, who have succeeded in generating incessant demands from international actors or for the base’s closure or ‘for their own liberation,’ unquote. That’s what was in their manual.”

Those are of the words of Rep. Trent Franks, an Arizona Republican and a member of the Armed Services Committee and the Judiciary Committee, during a hearing last May on closing Guantanamo.

“Isn’t the administration’s closure of Gitmo and the removal of enemy combatants, possibly even in the United States, a complete victory of lawfare for al-Qaida?” Rep. Franks asked Attorney General Eric Holder, who was a witness at the hearing.

“I mean, what else could they (the terrorists) possibly ask for if this is in their book and we’re following it to the letter? What more could they ask for us to do?” Franks said.

Atty. Gen. Holder replied: “I don’t think it’s a victory. I think it’ll be a victory for our country and a victory for the causes that we fight for by closing Guantanamo and taking from al-Qaida the ability to recruit and point to that place as a place where inappropriate things happen, true or not. I mean, that has become a symbol of practices that this administration has decided not to use. [try not to roll your eyes…]

So I don’t see the closing of Guantanamo as a victory at all for al-Qaida. I think it’s going to be a victory for the American people and for our allies.”

Regardless, the 559 official residents of Thomson, Illinois, will soon be able to decide for themselves. As they greet the prison buses rolling down Highway 84, they should be prepared to see rule #8B in action from the Jihadist training manual.

“When the brothers are transported from and to the prison (on their way to the court) they should shout Islamic slogans out loud from inside the prison cars to impress upon the people and their family the need to support Islam.”

• Chuck Goudie, whose column appears each Monday, is the chief investigative reporter at ABC 7 News in Chicago. The views in this column are his own and not those of WLS-TV. He can be reached by e-mail at and followed at


U.S. announces transfer of Guantanamo detainees to Illinois prison

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Tuesday that a bipartisan majority in Congress “already rejected bringing terrorists to U.S. soil for long-term detention.”

“The administration,” McConnell said, “has failed to explain how transferring terrorists to Gitmo North will make Americans safer than keeping these terrorists off of our shores in the secure facility in Cuba.”

Closure Of Guantanamo Detention Facilities 

    January 22, 2009.

    Transferring terrorists to Gitmo North will not make Americans safer than keeping these terrorists off of our shores in the secure facility in Cuba. This is a national security issue, not a jobs recovery issue! Let the govt. do its duty!

    IL Becomes an Official Terrorists' State—Gitmo North:

    December 15, 2009 Posted by | Action Alert, Agenda of the Left, Citizen Patriotism, Constituional Issues, Culture, Govt Oppression, Islam, Jihad in America, Leftists Criticize Conservatives, MSM Disinterest, Politics, propaganda, Real Purpose of Govt., Wake Up, WordPress Political Blogs | , , , , | 5 Comments

    Would Obama have Called the Japanese at Pearl Mere Extremists?

    Here’s an excerpt from an accurate, but scathing post on the President’s two-faced speech regarding the new troops headed for Afghanistan in the sometime near future.  (Thanks to and The Minority Report.)

    On the 68th anniversary of the day President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said would live in infamy, let us look see if any September 11, 2001 infamy lives in the cold heart of President Barack Hussein Obama.

    Based on Obama’s Afghan War address last week, with West Point cadets as props, the only infamy I could detect was for the men and women who kept us safe after 911, especially including his predecessors in office named President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.But I’m not surprised, after all, Obama is a Democrat, and not one of the FDR variety. No, he is a post 1963 variety. He is no JFK that would bear any burden for Liberty. Rather, He is of the Blame America first crowd. I’m sure if he had finished the (Marxist) Dreams of his Father and Hate America Church Rev. Wright’s Audacity of Hope before December 7, 1941, he would have asked the question former President Bill Clinton asked soon after the 911 attacks, i.e. “Why do they hate us?”


    Secondly, you will search in vain in Obama’s first address as Commander-in-Chief for any reference to our enemies as enemies or terrorists. For example:

    On September 11, 2001, 19 men hijacked four airplanes and used them to murder nearly 3,000 people…

    As we know, these men belonged to al Qaeda — a group of extremists…

    I set a goal that was narrowly defined as disrupting, dismantling, and defeating al Qaeda and its extremist allies

    Our President speaks of “men” that belong to a club (al Qaeda) that is “extreme.” Sounds like he speaks of the Shriners on a bad alcohol weekend, or Kiwanis when the pancakes got cold. They just like a little innocent blood with their meals. I guess the kamikazes just like to fly their planes a little too close to…mere extremists.

    Most of Obama’s oration was reserved for diatribes against President Bush and his own country, praises for himself and condescension’s against the military as he explains the cost of war and that we have an economic crisis at home. Who knew?

    FDR had a little crisis of his own on the Day of Infamy we commemorate today, but he didn’t speak of exit strategies or tiptoe around the fact that we faced evil enemies. He spoke of total victory and the unconditional surrender of the Kamikazes. [emphasis mine]

    And neither did President Bush equivocate about his Day of Infamy. Which is why we hadn’t been struck since 911 until Obama’s Fort Hood “extremist”, mentally ill, Muslim effected the worst, dare I say, terrorist attack on American soil since 2001.

    I just hope that we don’t have to add a further days of infamy due to Obama’s weakness, with the main day of infamy being his Inauguration.

    Obama is no FDR. He isn’t even a Jimmy Carter. In fact, it is to former President Carter’s credit that Obama includes him in his diatribe against this country.

    God bless those that lost their lives on December 7, 1941 and those that avenged that infamous sneak attack.

    God bless America!

    Mike DeVine’s Charlotte Observer, Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Minority Report columns

    “One man with courage makes a majority.” – Andrew Jackson

    Originally published @, where all verification links may be accessed.

    Would Obama have Called the Japanese at Pearl Mere Extremists?:

    December 7, 2009 Posted by | Agenda of the Left, Constituional Issues, Culture, Politics, propaganda, Real Purpose of Govt., WordPress Political Blogs | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

    Drink Your Kool Aid Now – Terror Comes to IL

    Why are some politicians so blind?  It’s a reasonable question. 

    One would think that bringing the world’s most heinous terrorists from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba ~ an island ~ and ushering them to the heartland of the United States where the best people are (yes, I said the BEST! = those with the most uncalloused attitudes and moral values) (this IS my blog, afterall…) and housing them in a previously closed detention center in the middle of Illinois might be a bad idea.  Well, if you think that might be a bad idea…  You’d be RIGHT!!!

    The answer is obvious: the politicians, specifically Governor Quinn, aren’t thinking.  How could they?  This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of!  This isn’t a matter of jobs and economic recovery, it’s one of national security for God’s sake!  

    A gentleman wrote to the local State Journal-Register about a week ago of how he was a guard at Gitmo.  He was so scared that the prisoners knew his home address that he’s had sleep and physical problems ever since being scared to death for his family!  These are not simple murderers.  These are hellions with no soul that feed on fear, are patient through the decades and grow on the temerity of our politicians’ neglect.  These terrorists’ will contact or be contacted with cells in the US, get set up here, and begin organizing more terror in our towns, beginning right in Illinois.  The letter writer was right—we should ALL be scared to death and stay the hell away from these demons!  Don’t bring them here to house them in prison, and don’t put them on trial in New York!  They should go before a military commission right now and be hanged before their next meal.

         : : : : : : : Now an ACTION ALERT : : : : : : :

    Please be aware that Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) is part of the decision-making panel on this issue.

    Please call:  Durbin’s office in Springfield…(217) 492-4062;  Gov. Quinn…(217) 782-0244

    Please take the time to respond on Tribune page if possible, see below.

    FROM BEV: 

    I am heading to DC next week to lobby for a new trial for Michael Behenna, where all the evidence is presented. I will accompany Michael’s mother.  I will be in DC on December 2nd and 3rd.  Please email to me your letters addressed to Senator Durbin and I will personally deliver them to Durbin’s office before I leave DC.  Let’s let him know that we don’t want the Gitmo detainees in our state.  If Durbin and Quinn want to utilize the Thomson facility and create jobs, why not take the prisoners from California, they are turning those prisoners out into the streets of California.  Perfect place for them is the Thomson facility.  California will be safer and Illinoisans will get some jobs! 

    If Pat Quinn and Senator Durbin want to create jobs by filling up this prison, then take the prisoners from California that are being turned out into the streets of California.  The people of the state of Illinois are concerned about the repercussions that will follow from bringing these terrorists to our state.  They will be given ACLU lawyers, they will be given a jury of their peers (just think about what a jury of their peers would consist of, the biggest Mosque in this country is in Bridgeview), they will be freed and turned out into our state. Further, I do not want my tax dollars going to defend terrorists who were captured off the battlefields!!!

    We have Soldiers who are laying their lives on the line everyday to keep us all safe from these terrorists and now we are going to bring them to our state?!!  We have Heroes who have given their lives to keep us all safe and to do this is a slap in the face of every Gold Star Family and every Soldier serving! My Son served 4 deployments in this war on terror and this is a slap in his face and mine! This is a reckless and dangerous proposal and I know the people of Illinois will fight this. 

    I remind Senator Durbin and Gov Quinn they work for us and it is their DUTY to represent the people of Illinois!  If you want to make this facility productive,  bring those prisoners from California here!

    ~  Bev Perlson with Band of Mothers, Illinois


    Need Bloggers to respond to Chicago Tribune Article Today (see below):


    Thomson prison: State moving to clear decks on possible sale,
    Illinois lawmaker wants to speed up federal takeover

    By Ray Long
    Tribune reporter
    November 27, 2009

    SPRINGFIELD – — A key state lawmaker wants to fast-track hearings on the possible sale of the Thomson Correctional Center to the federal government, a move made easier when the Quinn administration filed its recommendation for closing the prison.

    The Thomson prison has emerged as a leading site for a U.S. detention center to house terrorism suspects now being held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

    Gov. Pat Quinn’s Department of Corrections filed paperwork Wednesday with a legislative oversight commission that must review all major state-facility closings, including the proposed sale of the northwestern Illinois prison, before an administration moves forward.

    “Our goal is to have this public hearing by the end of December,” said state Sen. Jeff Schoenberg, D- Evanston, who co-chairs the bipartisan review panel and said he wants to act “with all deliberate speed.”

    “I support the idea of closing the Thomson facility and negotiating a fair price with the federal government for them to acquire the facility,” Schoenberg said. “The area’s desperate for jobs and this would appear to be a responsible way to boost the local economy.”


    Although many Republicans have raised concerns that putting terrorism suspects into the prison would put Illinoisans at risk, Schoenberg dismissed the fears.

    “This is not like the ‘Field of Dreams,’ where if you build it, they will come,” Schoenberg said.

    From the House Repub. Leader:


    November 16, 2009 | House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH)

    All year long, Republicans have asked the Obama Administration this basic question: What is the Administration’s overarching strategy to confront and defeat the terrorist threat?  To date, the Obama Administration has refused to answer.

    Despite Americans’ strong opposition to importing terrorists held at the Guantanamo Bay prison into the United States, the Obama Administration continues to move forward with their dangerous plans to do so anyway.  Over the last three days, the Administration has signaled that it will not only bring 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other 9/11 conspirators to New York City for trial in civilian federal court, rather than continuing their military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay, but it also is proposing to house Guantanamo terrorists at a prison in Illinois. [emphasis mine]

    House Republicans from Illinois strongly oppose importing these terrorists – men who have made the destruction of America their central focus – into their state.  Politico  reports on their efforts to block this move and stand up for the American people:

    “Illinois Republicans continued their barrage Monday against moving Guantanamo detainees to their state, unveiling legislation that seeks to slow President Barack Obama’s movement to ship terrorist suspects onto U.S. soil.”

    “[Rep. Mark] Kirk – along with Illinois Republican Reps. Peter Roskam, Judy Biggert and Don Mazzulo, Tim Johnson, John Shimkus and Aaron Schock – expressed concern about ‘increased attention from the Jihadist world’ that would be paid to Chicago, including the potential that terrorists would be traveling through O’Hare International Airport en route to visiting the detainees.’”

    How will trying these terrorists in civilian court, rather than military tribunals, ensure that justice is done for the families of 9/11 victims?  Homeland Security Committee Ranking Republican Peter King (R-NY) explained in a New York Post  op-ed why this decision puts the interest of liberal, special-interest groups ahead of safety and security of the American people:

    “While it may be hailed by Europeans, the ACLU and the far-left-wing of the Democratic Party, the president’s action actually threatens American lives and weakens US national security.”

    “By transferring KSM and four of his fellow conspirators from the impenetrable detention facility at Guantanamo Bay to lower Manhattan, the president creates an enormous, unnecessary terror risk to the people who already live and work downtown.”

    The American people are firmly opposed to importing terrorists.  According to a Gallup survey released this summer, “By more than 3-1, [those surveyed] oppose moving some of the accused terrorists housed there to prisons in their own states.” A survey from Rasmussen confirmed this report.

    In short, both the Gallup and Rasmussen surveys show that 75 percent of Americans want to keep terrorists out of America.  That’s why House Republicans have introduced the Keep Terrorists Out of America Act  (H.R. 2294), legislation aimed at stopping the importation of terrorists held at the Guantanamo Bay prison by:

    •    Affirming Congress’ opposition to transferring or releasing terrorists held at the Guantanamo Bay prison into the United States.  

    •    Prohibiting the Administration from transferring or releasing any terrorist detainees at Guantanamo Bay to any state without express approval from the state’s governor and legislature, and certification to Congress that strict requirements have been met.  

    •    Prohibiting the President from transferring or releasing a terrorist detainee into the United States without fulfilling strict congressional notification and certification requirements.

    Where do House Democrats stand on this issue, and will they join with most of the American people and oppose importing these dangerous terrorists?  Will they schedule a vote on the Keep Terrorists Out of America Act ?  The decisions by the White House are further evidence it is reverting to a dangerous pre-9/11 mentality – treating terrorism as a law enforcement issue and hoping for the best.  What America deserves, instead, is a real strategy for fighting and winning the war on America’s terrorist enemies that includes an effective, credible, and consistent plan for all terrorist detainees

    H-204, THE CAPITOL
    (202) 225-4000 | GOPLEADER.GOV


  • Gov. Quinn, Sen. Durbin to discuss Thomson Correctional Center’s future (Chicago Tribune)
  • Administration report favorable on takeover of Thomson Correctional Center (Chicago Tribune)
  • White House: Obama administration eyes near-empty Illinois prison to house Guantanamo inmates (Chicago Tribune)

    Drink Your Kool Aid Now-Terror Comes to IL:

    November 30, 2009 Posted by | Action Alert, Citizen Patriotism, Constituional Issues, Islam, Jihad in America, Politics, Real Purpose of Govt., Wake Up, WordPress Political Blogs | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

    No Mam for You!

    The Government mammogram Nazi (think uber-evil and powerful Seinfeld Soup Nazi) has decided that “older” women over 40 (ahem!) with no history of breast cancer don’t deserve the lifesaving detection of a biennial mammogram scan and won’t pay for one until they are 50.  Besides the fact that this is utter rubbish, how would they know there was no history sans scan? 

    Considering I love all things that turn the tables back onto liberals (using their own playbook against them), here’s a great vid from Beck interviewing David Horowitz  discussing conservatives using Saul Alinsky tactics to get their message out:  Inverting the paradigm….doing what liberals do….Community Organizing. (hat tip One)

    Mr. Horowitz calls for women to do what libs did during the Reagan years that so upset the White House then:  stage a “die in”.  All over the country, in public places (with proper signage of course and white chalk for outlines of the “bodies”), gather in large groups, lay down and become the dead from lack of mammograms.  David says Liberals will be as bewildered as to what to do as we were in the past.

    OKAY LADIES… Let’s get our communities organized!  This is your call to arms — er, uh — backs? 
    Get with your like-minded friends, pick a mall or other hot spot with people (preferably a place where they’ll drag you out, but NOT to jail…do your research first) and go “die”!  Just like a Tea Party on the floors of America.  (Bring a stadium pillow or two and a towel for your clothing.)  Report back here and let us know when and where so we can join you! 


    No Mam for You!:

    November 25, 2009 Posted by | Action Alert, Agenda of the Left, Citizen Patriotism, Culture, Family, Fiscal (Ir)Responsibility, Govt Oppression, Life with Big Brother, Politics, Real Purpose of Govt., Wake Up, WordPress Political Blogs | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

    Poll: What Do You Think About Bringing the Gitmo Terrorists to Illinois?


    Poll: What Do You Think About Bringing the Gitmo Terrorists
    to Illinois?:

    November 23, 2009 Posted by | Action Alert, Citizen Patriotism, Family, Islam, Jihad in America, Politics, Real Purpose of Govt., Wake Up, WordPress Political Blogs | , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

    Terrorism Against Ourselves

    We are our own worst enemy. The Obama Adminstration, specifically the Dept. of Homeland Security and Janet Napolitano, has the most bass-akwards priorities I have ever seen a such a high-ranking important figure portray openly.

    Homeland chief warns against anti-Muslim backlash (AP) – Nov 8, 2009

    ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — The U.S. Homeland Security secretary says she is working to prevent a possible wave of anti-Muslim sentiment after the shootings at Fort Hood in Texas.

    Janet Napolitano says her agency is working with groups across the United States to try to deflect any backlash against American Muslims following Thursday’s rampage by Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim who reportedly expressed growing dismay over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  (link

    Yeah, the anti-TERRORIST jihadi shooters sure don’t deserve any backlash from Americans, oh no!  If there were any backlash like that, it might start by PROFILING Muslim-looking men and be motivated by Hate and Anger at the destruction of HUMAN LIVES…  And we wouldn’t want that, now would we?  Why is this woman so incredibly upside-down, inside-out and backward in her thinking?  I’m verklempft by this entire discussion!

    Fort Hood killer ‘does not represent Muslims’: American security chief

    Daniel Bardsley

    Last Updated: November 09. 2009 12:32AM UAE / November 8. 2009 8:32PM GMT


    Janet Napolitano, the US secretary of homeland security,
    visits Zayed University. Delores Johnson / The National

    ABU DHABI // The killing of 13 people by a Muslim psychiatrist at an American army base must not lead to the victimisation of Muslim Americans, the US secretary of homeland security has said.   [Of course not, nor should any one crime lead to another.  ~getdclu]


    “We object to, and do not believe, that anti-Muslim sentiment should emanate from this,” she said. “This was an individual who does not represent the Muslim faith.”

    Describing the killings as “a terrible tragedy”, Ms Napolitano said a civil rights and civil liberties directorate in her department aimed to “prevent everybody being painted with a broad brush”.

    “That work is ongoing and is part and parcel of how we view security,” she said. “One of the things we’ll do is make sure that we’re reaching out to the state and local authorities within the US, because they often have better outreach to members of the Muslim community than we do.” Ms Napolitano was speaking to female students at Zayed University, and took part in a private question-and-answer session with them…

    I think Mrs. N. should concentrate on getting other AMERICANS’ opinions of what’s going on in this country and how she’s handling OUR SECURITY here!!!  This editor ‘don’t tink she do a gud enuf yob da’. 

    My friend over at Target Rich Environment calls this waco turn from seemingly mild-mannered Muslim shrink to frothing-mouthed shooting jihadist, “sudden jihad syndrome”.  I like that.  Here are a few more (add your own to the comment track!):  advanced encephalitis, post reduction syndrome,  to kill a mocking-rationalist, debate-a-lib disease, etc.

    Stay home ma’am, save us the tax dollars and fuel costs, and worry about “training and sharing best practices” here before skipping off to the UAE to talk about visas and the over 200k GOVERNMENT JOBS YOU’RE WORRIED ABOUT!!!

    WE are your priority because YOU WORK FOR US!  Get it through that thick liberal denseness you call an ideology and understand that you are suffocating any chance you have for keeping ANY seats you gained in 2008.  2010 will be a reckoning; 2012 will be your bloodbath!

    Share your thoughts.

    #Terrorism Against Ourselves: 

    November 23, 2009 Posted by | Agenda of the Left, Islam, Jihad in America, Political Correctness, propaganda, Real Purpose of Govt., WordPress Political Blogs | , , , , , , | 3 Comments