Get d'Clu

Get a clue & wake up! The best way to lead a nation astray of its values is to keep it ignorant of its history.

Brainwashing and Indoctrination of our Kids

If you haven’t figured out already that the socialistas have taken over the education system in this country starting way back in the 1880’s, you’ve allowed yourself to be lulled by their schemes.  Long ago they realized the best way to revolutionize America wasn’t with tanks and bullets, but in the classroom: change from the inside.  Create a nation of dumbed down docile proletariat who’ll gladly hand over tax dollars to continually fund the socialist agenda toward turning our representative republic into a socialist democracy…  Guess who founded and supplies money to come up with new education methods?  The Rockefellers.  Read on.

This video from CNN was on last night, October 7th.
(Hat tips Atlas’ Pamela and Prison Planet’s Alex.)

Kids from the Ron Clark Academy are on CNN singing for health care reform, set to Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the USA.” The song mentions “Obama says everyone needs health care now.”

From Atlas:

The only escape American families have from a debased public school system that indoctrinates young American minds with the left wing poisonous propaganda is an expensive private school (with an unbiased curriculum) or homeschooling. The Democrats have made choice impossible for the poor by their refusal to approve school vouchers.

Home schooling is the only other alternative. Watch leftist elites go after that last vestige of quality education.

We have witnessed the dumbing-down of an entire generation of school children. They are so incapable of thinking they elected an unamerican subversive to the White House. Our only hope is in our power to choose. This is unconstitutional and unamerican.

So, instead of learning science, math or English, these kids spent their school time learning a lame partisan song and crappy choreography? And we wonder why our students are the dumbest in the industrialized world (25th out of 27, specifically).

The following book is a free download (very large .pdf) that will blow your mind and gives you all the background and specifics about America’s socialist indoctrination of its children through the education system.  It’s called The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, published in 1999.  Please read it and share it!
Related Articles:

Brainwashing for Barack: More Schools Programming Obama Propaganda
Obama 101: Garbage in, Garbage out

Weaponized Education: Controlling Tomorrow With The Youth of  Today 

Soviet brainwashing techniques have been a part of the overall agenda of mass education for well over a hundred years, but today the globalists are flaunting their agenda. As recently as April of 2009 UNESCO announced its plan to promote their Earth Charter to encourage all children to become responsible, “global citizens in the 21st century”. The charter is a loaded document that also promotes, redistribution of wealth, “among nations” (communism).

One system already promoting that exact agenda is the International Bacceulette (IB) Program, which claims to be an ‘elite’ international education, and it is being implemented in 2,591 schools in 134 countries.

Why American Education Has Declined
George Carlin – Dumbed Down Education

Stupid in America 
George Carlin – Teach your children to question

UNESCO: Strangle This Monster in Its Crib

Most Americans are blissfully ignorant of the insidious nature of this crowd of one-world, paganistic pseudo-communists (and real ones) who are bound and determined to create a new world order, establish a new world religion of tree worshippers that supplants and scorns Christianity and Judaism, promotes abortion worldwide, seeks to capture control of schools and schoolchildren, and is in the process of transforming national and privately owned property in the U.S. and elsewhere into its greedy hands…

“A 10-part series for teachers, published in 1949 under the title Toward World Understanding, asserted that ‘one of the chief aims of education today should be to prepare boys and girls to take an active part in the creation of a world society. …’ But government schools must stamp out love of country and the family must be viewed as the enemy: ‘As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can produce only rather precarious results. As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism. The school should therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes that favor jingoism.'”

Alex Jones’ statement featured in the Question Your Reality video by NufffRespect.  At 9mins 5secs into that video, referring to fluoridation, he says this:  “We have their own documents from the 1920’s saying they were going to dumb you down.”
The video is here:
Look on John Taylor Gatto’s page, you should be able to find it there:

In 1888, the Senate Committee on Education was getting jittery about the localized, non-standardized, non-mandatory form of education that was actually teaching children to read at advanced levels, to comprehend history, and, egads, to think for themselves. The committee’s report stated, “We believe that education is one of the principal causes of discontent of late years manifesting itself among the laboring classes.”

By the turn of the century, America’s new educrats were pushing a new form of schooling with a new mission (and it wasn’t to teach). The famous philosopher and educator John Dewey wrote in 1897:

Every teacher should realize he is a social servant set apart for the maintenance of the proper social order and the securing of the right social growth.

In his 1905 dissertation for Columbia Teachers College, Elwood Cubberly—the future Dean of Education at Stanford—wrote that schools should be factories “in which raw products, children, are to be shaped and formed into finished products…manufactured like nails, and the specifications for manufacturing will come from government and industry.”

John Taylor Gatto’s book, The Underground History of American Education: An Intimate Investigation into the Problem of Modern Schooling(New York: Oxford Village Press, 2001), is the source for all of the above historical quotes. It is a profoundly important, unnerving book, which I recommend most highly. You can order it from Gatto’s Website, which also contains the first half of the book online free.

Also recommended, Bruce E. Levine’s excellent book Commonsense Rebellion: Debunking Psychiatry, Confronting Society (New York: Continuum Publishing Group, 2001).

by D.L. Cuddy, Ph.D. 

The ‘GIVE’ Act Calls for Your Kids to be ‘Owned’ by the State 

CAIR Corrals Students into Islamic Indoctrination   [Candace de Russy]
Class time is being used to train public school students at Friendswood Junior High in Houston in Islamic doctrine — e.g., “There is one god, Allah” – by leaders from the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

‘Preceptoral’ and Social-Justice Indoctrination   [Candace de Russy]
Mitchell Langbert has been reading Politics and Markets: The World’s Political-Economic Systems by political scientist Charles E. Lindblom, who cites three types of authority: market, state, and preceptoral. Lindblom seems to have come up with the preceptoral notion on his own. Preceptoral control exists in educational indoctrination, which can alternate for state coercion or economic incentives as a means of control.

Langbert observes that this “this idea very closely fits the concept of ‘social justice disposition’ that theNational Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)has advocated.” Both involve “‘persuasion’ or ‘education’ … aimed first — but perhaps only transitionally — at a transformation of personality, at the creation of the ‘new man’ as he is often referred to in communist discourse.”

Mind control in the service of collectivist tyranny, by any name.

Raising Our Kids   [David French]
I read with great interest yesterday’s article by Arthur C. Brooks on the emerging “baby gap” between liberals and conservatives. If this doesn’t highlight the importance of education to both sides of the political and cultural divide, I don’t know what does. For a long time, liberals and conservatives have argued over who ultimately controls a child’s education — the parents or the state. With parents typically more conservative and the education bureaucracy more left than even the mainstream Democratic party, it is easy to why and where the battle lines are drawn.  

After decades of litigation, the balance of power is increasingly clear: While parents who can afford to do so have a right to opt out of public schooling (through home schools or private schools), if the kids are in public schools they are essentially wards of the state and can be subjected to all kinds of state indoctrination without parental consent. Just check out cases where students were forced to sit through lewd sexual programs (Brown v. Hot, Sexy, and Safer Productions), take sexually explicit and suggestive surveys at a young age (Fields v. Palmdale School District), and even participate in Wiccan rituals (Brown vs. Woodland Joint Unified School District).  For a nice summary of the rights of parents to control their kids’ education, read this.  

Why Gov’t Schools Fail    [Michael Graham]
“To be very candid with you, I just don’t want to be bothered with it.” That’s what Washington, DC School Superintendent Paul L. Vance had to say
 when he resigned Friday. He was reacting to the push for school vouchers and other education reforms.  [I guess it’s a real bother actually educating children?]

Another great book:  Already Gone by Ken Ham.  It shows statistics about why our young people are leaving the church and have already left it mentally by Middle School.  Check out the Answers in Genesis Bookstore Monthly Specials for discounts!

Parental Rights: Why Now is the Time to Act


Leave a comment as to what your family is doing to combat the 35 hours a week your children spend in the socialist school system.  What has and hasn’t worked for you?

October 8, 2009 Posted by | 1st Amendment, Action Alert, Agenda of the Left, Christian, Citizen Patriotism, Culture, Family, Govt Oppression, Leftists Criticize Conservatives, Life with Big Brother, NWO, propaganda, Wake Up, WordPress Political Blogs | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment