Get d'Clu

Get a clue & wake up! The best way to lead a nation astray of its values is to keep it ignorant of its history.

What’s Your BOpinion

Several times during my InfoHound searches I’ll find interesting opinions on the web.  Here is such a pair from writer James Koerner, a man of many talents.  Do you think the gentleman correct?  Does he go far enough?  Can we use this as our clarion call to arise and demand the government address our grievances or cease and desist???

Obama Part I
September 23 at 3:16pm

Today President Obama made a scurrilous speech to the U.N. It was cloaked in deceptive language; part apologetic, part globalist, part Marxist, and part anti-Bush administration. And yet it was also anti-American. The man is clearly embarrassed by the success of our citizenry and industries over the breadth and depth of time this nation has been an independent republic.

It is with impudence to the history of this nation that Obama presents his effrontery as the all keeping seer of all things Marxist in his approaches to global matters of import and to the political workings of this nation. His daily mouthpiece, Robert Gibbs, displays his own disdain and lack of appreciation of the innate intelligence of the American people and treats the media as whining children. Especially those few, true journalists, who at times, make the perilous attempt to ask probing questions.

That the electorate as a combined whole in its’ majority chose to elect this banal man as the leader of this nation still causes pause and to ask the question, why? The sycophant whose leagues took to sanitizing his questionable pedigree, for which we have no verification upon which to determine his constitutionality to even accept his party’s’ nomination to the most honorable office. Let alone his contempt for the citizenry of who he now leads.

His anal cabal of elected office holder followers have taken to masking his inexperience by treading on the very fabric of this nation and the institutions so set up by its’ founders. The levying of unknown taxes through legislation so shielded in strict weight of numbers, forcing passage on this bile by contempt of legislators smacks of “Royal Treatise”, and, one may even see into the future and suppose, dictatorial tyranny. Of the later I am convinced will surely come as we watch in petrified horror as the Constitution of this Nation is ground into the dust of time and we are led as incompetent proletariat he so surely thinks, and believes, we are.

When one party has such a stranglehold on all the branches of government it leads to contempt for the very beliefs which have given us commonality of purpose and belief over the past two plus centuries. And contempt leads to outright corruption at all levels, a corruption which smells of the stench of tyranny and in time will lapse into a profanity the likes of which our citizenry have never experienced or seen. This man is no Caesar and we must throw the wolves of Hades from the door before it is too late.

This man and his minions have levied upon the remaining legislators stacks of impudent legislation designed, as is the Marxist strategy, to bury the very institutions under the weight of its’ own largesse and fully overwhelm the intellectual abilities of those chosen through duly elected procedures to evaluate, debate, and come to consensus on this matters.

To vote wily nilly to the whims of a man possessed by contempt for all things this nation stands for is beyond the realm of realistic thought and flutters into the abyss of self-obsessed belief in one’s own ‘god like’ inferior abilities. And then to pawn this off on the mass of citizenry, which have stood up and said “no”, is to spit in the face of right. A right which at some point will stamp its’ foot and grind the infidel into the night.

But to permit his indulgences cloaked in the notion that ultimately the plans and details are actually his lackeys and not his is but yet an additional effrontery on the intelligence of this citizenry. That we should be so effectuated in this pageantry of idiocy is beyond comprehension. We have seen the hidden A.C.O.R.N. master with his two cloven hands; Rham Emmanuel and David Axelrod. With their inherent linkage to S.E.I.U., the Black Panthers, and the remnants of the former, or is it?, S.D.S., they should all be hoisted on their own petards.

As the days, weeks, and months continue to unfold before our eyes I daresay we shall continue to be amazed at the rush to pass inane legislation over emboldened and competent discussion of what will be a financial travesty of spending beyond our wildest dreams, where future generations ten-fold plus will still be paying for nothing.

Obama Part II
September 24 at 5:38pm
This afternoon Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave an impassioned speech before the World community at the anti-Israel organization, which we all know as the United Nations (of Socialism).

Not only was his diatribe inspired, it showed courage to present in the face of President Obama’s nascent remarks of pro-Islam, anti-Israel speeches of late. To include his impudent remarks during his own buffoonery yesterday before this less than ‘august’ body of concerned socialists and Marxists, whose whole existence is to bring about redistributed wealth of individuals, nations, and corporations at the expense of the West? And to cajole it, into implacable apologetic unreasoning for not including inferiors, and less nations, in the renaissance and the enlightenment. That purpose, invention, business acumen, reasoning, advanced intelligence, art, and exploring should be cause for apology, defies the reason of learned and fastidious men; to whit Obama is not included in this classification. In part for his unwanted and obsequious throwing of Israel to the wolves yesterday, and for his implacable lies in demanding that Israel make peace with Hamas with no pre-conditions, except his naïve and imbecilic condition that Israel retreat to its’ 1967 borders. Thereby sealing its’ fate as being a crushed and defeated nation within months, as the Islamist Obama would most definitely support the marauders as they storm the gates of an ally.

That the citizenry of this nation should even allow such perversion of this country and allow an agent thereof, to so demean the greatness of what we are and stand for is beyond comprehension. With enraged speech we should as the greater whole of our sums throw this rogue imposter to a leader out the window as he so deserves. That this person is re-defining and re-writing our history for global/socialist/Marxist gains is against all that our citizenry has worked for since the beginning of the schism with Great Britain, which brought about our revolution from Monarchical rule, only to slip into the bile and imbecility of uneducated, uninspiring, tomfoolery and immorality of thought based on “change”, because all “change” means is creating him as dictator over a Marxist state. And this “change” shall surely come as the ‘imposter’ has so fastidiously stated in many formats that he and his assigns shall swamp the system with guile and force it to collapse upon itself, seeking him as the ‘saviour’ of our beloved citizenry.

That he and his assigns would embrace and give umbrage to Chavez, Castro, the leader of outcast Iran, Hamas, and the rest of the Islamic heretical groups has been but to kick the citizenry in the teeth, calling us fools for our belief in family, justice, and America. That we should laud the ‘imposter’ with applause and accolades, and for what? To what purpose of ours should this be given him? For this man has achieved little to nothing but aspiring to be loved as ‘divine’. And ‘divine’ for doing what? To what is he owed this purpose? They are but petards of self-obsessed obsequiousness. Not worthy to be called ‘men’ but are traitors to this nation, its’ Constitution, and most importantly, its citizenry.

Therefore he has earned the least of these designations, that of Benedict Arnold. And this alone is derived by his forethought of love and forbearance to those who specialize in warring bed linen for clothing and bowing to an illegitimate monarch, and praying to an infidel of an excuse for a lesser god. That he would cast upon the fires without dispersion our allies who have stood by us through the tests of time and war. For without them the viability of this nation would be greatly diminished.

And to what is owed the Media love-fest of congistulation which reviles all able bodied persons to have their stomachs revolt? Yet as feeble men do, they hang onto the oratory of inferiors and infidels in the misbegotten hope of eternal glee for the meager crumbs of neo-reality they receive. As lambs being led to the slaughter, they have sealed their fate to Hades in the inglorious accompaniment of children’s songs as they are unwantonly being indoctrinated in “ObaMarxist” thought in public, inferior, schools.

As the citizenry blinks the public schools are removing the thought processes from the minds of helpless children. And doing this without, are lack of concern, by their parentage, who either agree with this fallacy or have been beguiled by the NEA, the teachers, and the administrators as foolhardy and “ObaMarxist” ignorant and therefore lacking the requisite thought processes to be included in order to remove their children from them for the benefit of the “ObaMarxist”. This is the gift of fear, at least one of them. There are more. “Fired Up” chanting is another one. And he will use, to his less than great advantage, to at least placate his media minions’ the rest as the days and months ensue.

For he has brought a scourge upon us from which great struggle will be undertaken to remove us from the bowels of Hades. But in fairness this scourge began with another imposter to the great office who left preceding him. Though this one cloaked his incompetence with a shield of learned individuals, whose ambitions were not a detriment to our citizenry or nation as a whole, but only to its’ sustaining institutions, for a nation breaks down from the weight of obsequious thought and want, not from outside forces, lest it be a war of aggression from which that nation cannot fight and win.

The ‘imposter’ and his assigns have brought with them the sin of “cult of personality”, which falls under the seven deadly sins. By speech with forked tongue, less than quarter truth, inferior knowledge, lies, manipulation, messiah complex, and pictorial fanaticism. The citizenry is finally awakened by this impure league of fellows, whose only goal is to subjugate this nation to the whims of socialists from without. That he and his assigns have abandoned the Constitution is appalling enough to have him, and the rest of that festered rotten lot, removed.

For the days and hours are now drawing nigh when judgement comes to those who most assuredly deserve it. That this judgement will convene with cordiality is not a promise the enraged citizenry are apt to make. What it will do is signify a resounding opening to the conclusions of his belied fantasy of bucolic melancholy known as “ObaMarixism”. Moral turpitude aside, this administration of folly has begun, in its’ young tenure to run its’ course of years in lightening speed as it butts heads with the stern reality of it’s’ citizenry over more than international concerns of state. The empirical line has been drawn in the minds of concerned men over spending the treasury into oblivion, with a debt load, which never in real time can be paid. And throws onto to the backs of future generations’ taxation which will be cumbersome and exhaustive. This will surely kill the financial institutions of this nation and put upon us hyperinflation which will drain the individual coffers of it’s’ tax payers. That the less than honorable Senator Max Baucus is talking down conservative thought on his committee over “ObaMarxist healthcare” just lends to the ignominious truth that the ‘imposter’ is only concerned over ‘his’ desires despite what the majority of its’ citizenry truly are desiress (sic) of, and have even stated so in so many forums.

Prayerful tears of angst are being petitioned to God for relief and the Angels are marking the hour of a day in early November 2010 when the beginnings of the death knell blow will be delivered to the ‘imposter’ and his assigns, both in the executive branch and the legislative branch.
Obama Part III
September 30, 2009 at 3:20pm

The loquacious man is at it again. On Friday September 25, 2009, while attending the G20 summit in Pittsburgh, his apparent naiveté, inexperience, and lack of understanding of economics and financial affairs reared its ugly head again as he embarrassed himself and our nation. One must remember that French President Nicolas Sarkozy had already called him out as “a mere amateur”. In a further display of his penchant for naiveté, in his inglorious remarks to the fellows of the G20 he stepped in it when he proposed that the illegitimate, heretical regime of Satanist Islamic versus come clean on its’ nuclear arms program.

That he dares to think the Muslim faith allows for compromise in any area or thought that runs counter to their 9th century heresy is a bombastic belief in fairies and men of nefarious deeds. The Holy See in the past has called for ‘crusades’ to lead those of faith to freedom from the Satanist mob of Muslims, which in their ubiquitous endeavors are attempting to overrun and force an unwilling world into the unbearable heretical reaches of their cultish excuse for a religion. That this man is really ‘one of them’, and not of our combined abilities lets the farce of his ambitions sap from us the ability to stand up and call out the heretics for who they truly are.

In as much that on the 29th of September heretical Muslims are praying to their Satan on the mall in Washington, D.C. That our Nation’s capital has been reduced to this cabal of disbelievers, which runs anathema to the traditional values of this nation. This is a national disgrace, and apparent effrontery to our citizenry. And what makes this embarrassment more to swallow is that it is followed on the heals by that man disposing of an ally at the U.N. on the world stage like a mongrel dragging off with parts of the carcass of his kill. That ally which has been the guardian of eyes of the west on the evil doings of mongrel Muslim mob.

It is with extreme mortification and distress that these words of truth need to be stated. For it has saddened generations of others that there is no accomplishment in debate or negotiation with that infidel cult fostered by the warrior Mohammed and his illegitimate progeny. That this so-called “religion” built its’ following legions on the threat of the sword leads all men to believe and know true that there are no redeeming characteristics for its very existence except the imminent threat of death. And with this that man is attempting to negotiate? Yes, for he has been brought up amongst the mongrels, eats their gruel, and steeps in the stench of their cult.

Now we hear the news that the insidious Cap-N-Trade bill will likely pass the Senate on the 30th of September or by the latest the 1st of October. Hailed as a miracle ‘green’ cure to our energy problems by the rebuked hoard of spend all Senators of the Socialist party, ne ObaMarxists. That this Nation should be forced to descend into the bowels of crippling debt and hyperinflation for delusions of this man and his mentally challenged anal hoards in congress has left the majority of this nation wanting for relief. But the factors to provide the relief do not inhabit the hallowed halls justice at this time. And the citizenry is to be faced with more, much more, of this arduous nonsense and pain for at least another 15 months. While the ObaMarxist himself makes an unimpassioned plea to allow the 2016 Summer Olympics to take place in that dirty rotten scandal ridden political city of Marxist sympathizers and ObaMarxist anal lickers Chicago.

And for want of this? Ah but to raise the love-fest of the individual to a level exceeding that of the murderous Stalin, for it is he the man wants to supplant as the ultimate sycophant. All at the duress of the citizenry and against their united dissent does he continue his nefarious acts of national subterfuge? But to bleed this Nation into the 3rd World demagoguery for they have no allegiance to it, but only to, but not to be admitted the Satanist Islamic cause of end times.

Under one more year of the ObaMarxist spending whip this Nation will be under the heels of decades of financial oppression from which its’ ability to recover will be negligible. National debt will also be coupled with unemployment rates quite possibly as high as 20 per cent. These detrimental rates had been delegated to the pages of history and have not surfaced at these levels since 1937 when the unemployment rate fell back to 18 per cent for the first time since 1930. Does the citizenry want to repeat these debilitating halcyon days? Will we need to expend this time an entire generation to pull us from this abyss in the form of a major international war? It seems that this too is part of the ObaMarxist endgame for it will rely on this same citizenry to cry out amongst the horror of it all clamoring for the infidel to take the mantel of dictatorial powers to “see us through” to the “ultimate change”.

Good must triumph over evil in any form. The concerned citizenry will have to ensure that the deeds of this man are slowed as the first day of reckoning approaches. For at this time they must united scream out “no more change, because we can’t live with it”. And how does the citizenry make this happen? We all know by supplanting his minions in the ballot box and electing those which we know will apply the ultimate pressure to stop the juggernaut of ObaMarxist spending for Socialism sake. It is imperative that this be done and over the past few months concerned citizenry has speaking out loud and in numbers which are of great concern to the ObaMarxists. So concerned are they that they have retreated behind the camera lens of the love-fest banal Media to whom they owe their seats. For the vagabonds have no shame and could care less what to them are their ignorant supporters, too concerned with the ‘trivialities’ of life than to keep a watchful pose on what these ObaMarxist lackeys are truly up to.

As days, weeks, and months go by we are forced at every turn to listen to the licentious discords of the ObaMarxist media. So consumed are they in the delusion of savior that common sense, reality, and vocal concerns of the populace have passed them by like a tornado blowing through the mid west. Their collective soul so self absorbed into the depths of that man’s anus as to cause us such wrenching stomach pains. For they too will see the ‘rectifier’ soon when the final question is cast upon them, “what have you wrought upon the minds of these citizens to cause such anger”?

And into the rabble of the flay Mrs. ObaMarxist enters the stage as a requestor of games city purveyor hoping for a positive vote. And to accompany her is the diminutive Oprah WinMarxist herself. Why you ask? Because WinMarxist stands a great financial windfall as her organization will be handling most of the planning and projects for this most inglorious games to be. Stamped in the stench of the ObaMarxists. But it is not gentlemanly here to call her out for the Marxist she so surely is, for she is treading in the bile of the dripping hands which so enable her man to be put in the great office, like a monkey dancing to the tune of the organ grinder of the radicals of Chicago. Those radicals, which would have brought this nation to its knees almost 40 years ago by bombing its institutions and spreading vile contempt for us at every possibility. And to revel in it by foisting that nefarious man onto the national stage. That they have not been punished for their traitorous acts of subterfuge is an abomination against us all.

We are to heed the arrogance of this man who speaks of but dictate to elected officials of both the House and Senate. As if they all owe their seat as an allowance of his compassion upon them to let them have it as his gift. This is not what this nation is built upon and by all concerned should never be. For its citizenry has never allowed by elected fiat that man, or any other President, to claim it as his own for his own purposes. These purposes which so smear the constitution as to make it unreadable is his lackeys are wont to do for their own pleasure in loving the ObaMarxist and his ‘biblical’ ascension into his delusional presidential heaven. And his ilk have been doing this for years as preparation for their “savior to come” by decrying God and humiliating the Judeo – Christian heritage of our citizenry and nation. For Socialism/Marxism cannot prevail in an openly Christian nation. It is anathema to it.

For it is diabolically opposed to licentious and ‘god-like’ repose of the venomous vile of Socialism/Marxism.

The days and hours are coming upon us like a mad storm of fury where this man will demand vociferously that he requires dictatorial powers to heal the nation of the ills his ilk have brought upon us. And his minions will yell out “yes you can” while the duped media love-fest swoons on bended knee calling for granting him carte blanche in his evil and pervasive endeavors. But take heed my fellow citizens for this shall be the final death knell of his illegitimate A.C.O.R.N. induced administration.


Printed with permission of the author.

September 28, 2009 Posted by | (Un)Limited Government, Agenda of the Left, Citizen Patriotism, Constituional Issues, Fiscal (Ir)Responsibility, Govt Oppression, Life with Big Brother, NWO, propaganda, Wake Up, WordPress Political Blogs | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Lies O’Plenty -or- He Belies Truth; ACORN’s NUTS

There was one high note during the President’s speech to the joint session of Congress: Rep. Wilson’s shoutout, “You Lie!”

Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) said what over half the country has been thinking.  The President DID lie.  Since the Dems have voted down amendments requiring verification of citizenship, the bill WILL cover illegals.  Yes, Congressman Wilson was right to apologize for the uncivility of his remark, but NOT for telling the truth!  I applaud the gentleman from South Carolina because he was heard and his comment was recorded into the record.  I’m glad he was honorable to apologize to Obama and that the President reciprocated.  But is should have ended there.  He didn’t insult the Congress and they should learn to keep their traps closed at the RIGHT times for a change.

I wanted to hear four words from Mr. Obama: America, I hear you.  He, of course, went in the other direction.  This speech was no different than the 26 previous ones.  Our president doesn’t hear us. Let’s get louder!

The President has NOT welcomed conservatives to the table.  There has been little – if any – bipartisan input into the health care bill.   Conservatives have some pretty good, low-or-no cost measures on the table – HSA expansion, tort reform, dropping state lines – and we KEEP being accused of not bringing anything to the table when we’re not being offered a spot.  The President has NOT met with the Republicans on this issue. We are NOT being listened to.  He does NOT practice what he preaches.  Yes, there is some idiotic language coming out from the right that are essentially “slippery slope” arguments – which could basically be cured with specific language in the bill that keeps being voted down (paying for abortions, illegal immigration, etc…).  Why the Dems keep saying it’s not in the bill when it’s right there in BLACK AND WHITE…

The GOP has been frozen out of the House debate from day one. In the Senate, the 3 GOP Senators that make up the gang of 6 were given a false choice of the Public Option or Co-opts (i.e. a public Option), or a trigger to a Public Option.  That’s it.  Nothing, Nada.  Pro Life lawmakers were either lied to, or told to get lost.  To those who disagreed, Pelosi labeled them Nazis; the President called them liars, and Reid called them UnAmerican.  So much for your “civil discourse”.  Don’t these political self-appointed-nobility realize that THEY WORK FOR US?!!!

Words bandied about the blogospherefantasy, pipe dream, economic oxymoron, pathological liar, arrogant and condescending, profaned the office, sociopath, moral bankruptcy behind glittering words, demagoguery, glossed-over rhetoric, wealth-transfer program, vituperation, disingenuousness, charlatan.   Slick Barry
BO’s door has been closed tightly against the many common-sense plans authored by Representatives Tom Price (R-Ga.) and Louie Gohmert, by Senators Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) and Richard Burr (R-N.C.).  Neither Nancy Pelosi nor Harry Reid will allow those plans a full and open debate.  Which is just the way Obama wants it.

Thomas Sowell described the speech as “both a masterpiece of rhetoric and a shameless fraud.”

By not expressly rescinding the unfunded mandates forced upon the states, Barry gets to state that Obamacare doesn’t cover illegals while knowing full well that the states will still be forced to.

Demmy regurgitators have made comments on the blogs about various ‘ought-to-know’ orgs:  You’ve got to be kidding me.  They are part of the Annenberg Foundation.  You know, the same foundation that Obama was a board member of with the domestic terrorist known as William Ayers.  The same that posted a bogus Obama COLB and called it a birth certificate.

Stealing Democracy - Matthew Vadum


Here is only SOME of the sewage (yes, that’s crap) about ACORN, a group intimately tied to Obama:

ACORN is a huge multi-million dollar international conglomerate that is devoted to undermining democracy and the capitalist system itself.

The rank subterfuge that is essential to the core agenda of Obama is to read Matthew Vadum’s article in

“The vast ACORN empire includes ACORN Institute Inc. (leadership training for activists), W*A*R*N (Wal-Mart Alliance for Reform Now, which supports organizing unions in Wal-Mart stores), ACORN Housing Corp. Inc. (arranges mortgages), Living Wage Resource Center (tracks efforts by cities and states to raise the minimum wage above the federal standard), two “social justice” radio stations in Arkansas and Texas, Project Vote (voter registration and mobilization), Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Locals 100 (Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas) and 880 (Illinois, Indiana), Site Fighters (fighting “big box” chains such as Wal-Mart and Target), and American Institute for Social Justice (publishes Social Policy magazine with ACORN Institute Inc. and the Organizers’ Forum). It also operates a handful of “social justice” high schools in New York and California.”


“Liberals also seem blissfully ignorant of the fact that ACORN was founded not to teach self-reliance but to encourage poor people to get on welfare. By overloading the system, the strategy held, radical change would come to America.”

The roots of this shady/wacko conglomerate go back to the early 1960’s and Tom Hayden, who asserted “[t]he allocation of resources must be based on social needs” and “and so-called participatory democracy.”

“[O]n the far Left, the word democracy has a very different meaning than most Americans assign to it. To many of these radicals, democracy is a code word for socialism. To this end, some leftists have tried to rebrand socialism as economic democracy. Before the Age of Obama, socialist Princeton professor Cornel West, an ACORN ally and advisor on Obama’s campaign team, wrote “Democracy Matters: Winning the Fight Against Imperialism,” which holds that the U.S. is under the control of racist, patriarchal, authoritarian fundamentalists.”

Here is more history that illuminates Obama’s radical associations.

“When West visited Venezuela in 2006, he praised its government, which has nationalized industries, jailed and murdered its opponents and threatened the United States. West said he visited Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela “to see the democratic awakening taking place.” By “democratic awakening,” West meant the transmogrification of Venezuela into a socialist state. In other words, if radical leftists don’t end up with the political result they want, it can’t possibly be real democracy. West has also, incidentally, been a longtime supporter of the ACORN-affiliated radical New Party.

“To further its war on “the system,” Hayden and his allies created an organization called Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Although SDS became perhaps the preeminent group of the New Left movement, it failed to achieve its goals and splintered into factions.

“One bloc eventually became the violent Weather Underground Organization. The Weathermen embraced terror as a tool of socioeconomic and political change and became especially enamored of explosives. After getting off criminal charges on a legal technicality, two of the group’s leaders, would-be mass murderers William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, decided to poison the minds of the young by turning them against the American system. The unrepentant totalitarian leftists became members of the faculties of, respectively, University of Illinois at Chicago and Northwestern University School of Law. Ayers, who while on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago helped steer grants to ACORN, now teaches students how to indoctrinate their future pupils. Dohrn, his wife, teaches students how to use the law to achieve the left-wing abstraction known as social justice.

“But not all SDS members embraced violence. Among those who rejected terror as an instrument of political persuasion was ACORN founder Wade Rathke, who was an SDS draft resistance organizer. Rathke also organized for the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), an organization whose members physically occupied welfare offices, intimidating social workers and demanding every government welfare dollar that they thought the law entitled them to.”

Marxist sociologists Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward “developed a model of political and economic subversion that called upon activists to pack the welfare rolls to spread dependency, bankrupt the government and cause uprisings against the capitalist system. They outlined plans for a welfare rights movement in a 1966 Nation article titled ‘The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty.’”  This crisis strategy proved so effective to recruit the poor onto the welfare rols that “[f]rom 1965 to 1974, the number of single-parent households on welfare soared from 4.3 million to 10.8 million, despite mostly flush economic times [according to Sol Stern].” 

Rathke (1970) developed ACORN’s strategy to carry out the agenda of welfare entitlement, making “ACORN’s focus on registering those dependent on government programs is constituency-building that is consistent with the Cloward-Piven Strategy. Its voter registration drives in Louisiana, for example, have focused on registering people at government offices that deal with welfare, unemployment benefits and food stamps.”

Vadum goes on to show how closely the Weather Underground and Acorn are related:

“siblings who took different paths to radical change—one through violence and terror, the other through protest and politics—both drew inspiration from Chicago activist Saul Alinsky… (Alinsky) praised Lucifer as the ‘first radical’ who ‘rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom.’

“Alinsky said his book was ‘a step toward a science of revolution.’ He acknowledged, ‘The Prince’ was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. ‘Rules for Radicals’ is written for the Have-nots on how to take it away.

“Alinsky believed that in political combat almost anything goes: ‘In war the end justifies almost any means.’ He wrote, ‘The practical revolutionary will understand … [that] in action, one does not always enjoy the luxury of a decision that is consistent both with one’s individual conscience and the good of mankind.’”

Vadum’s article continues with Hillary Clinton and others associated with this socialist agenda.  It is absolutely abhorrent that these people are now our ruling class in this country and they pervade our government.  Read the rest of Matthew’s article.  Let’s figure out how to get rid of this scourge and all the yes-men connected. (hat tip Atlas)

This investigation was conducted by a couple kids with cajones bigger than Rudy Giuliani’s when he went after the mob in NYC!

Where is 20/20?

Where is 60 minutes?

Where is CNN?

We all know the answer to this question, they’re busy working for dear leader…

Let me explain something to the President.

Your misunderstanding of the terms and conditions of the Constitution, and the relationship of the three branches of government are OBVIOUS, EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE that you were ‘educated’ and graduated from Harvard by virtue of the QUOTA SYSTEM.


NOBODY, in their right mind, has to “bring you” any ideas or proposals for “your approval” like a big daddy.

Obama, you have a misinformed, inflated opinion of yourself as EVIDENCED by the following remark, “If you come to me with a serious set of proposals, I will be there to listen….”

Barry, or Barak or WHATEVER your REAL NAME is, you ARE NOT “big daddy”

CITIZENS and members of congress do NOT need your approval, you need CITIZEN and congressional approval.

Barry, or Barak or WHATEVER your REAL NAME is,
you work for us.

Sep 10, 2009 @ 02:11 PM
Jingo John, Formerly FREE USA

To the Congress:
The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775 – you have had 234 years to get it right; it is broke.
Social Security was established in 1935 – you have had 74 years to get it right; it is broke.
Fannie Mae was established in 1938 – you have had 71 years to get it right; it is broke.
The “War on Poverty” started in 1964 – you have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to “the poor”; it hasn’t worked and our entire country is broke.
Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 – you’ve had 44 years to get it right; they are broke.
Freddie Mac was established in 1970 – you have had 39 years to get it right; it is broke.
Trillions of dollars were spent in the massive political payoffs called TARP, the “Stimulus”, the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009… none show any signs of working, although ACORN appears to have found a new source: the American taxpayer.
And finally, to set a new record:
“Cash for Clunkers” was established in 2009 and went broke in 2009! It took cars (that were the best some people could afford) and replaced them with high-priced and less-affordable cars, mostly Japanese. A good percentage of the profits went out of the country. And the American taxpayers take the hit for Congress’ generosity in burning three billion more of our dollars on failed experiments.
So with a perfect 100% failure rate and a record that proves that “services” you shove down our throats are failing faster and faster, you want Americans to believe you can be trusted with a government-run health care system?

20% of our entire economy?
With all due respect,
Are you crazy?

Alternative Plan:

  1. Tort reform – bring down medical malpractice costs – frivolous lawsuits, loser pays, limits on mental anguish.
  2. Abolish the “state line” mandate – allow purchase of policies from anywhere within country.
  3. Allow the consumer to “cherry pick” coverage – cafeteria plan for the options they want for their family.
  4. Take administration burden off the employer – eliminates anchoring coverage to the job.
  5. Health savings accounts (FSAs) – own dollars, pre-tax, no limits, rolled over, all medical expenses.

If these solutions were applied, there would be significant savings in health care costs.  But it’s not about savings, is it?  No, it’s about government control over every aspect of our lives.  They are not content to G.M., AIG, Fannie and Freddie, many banks, etc.  There is 1/6 of our nation’s economy out there up for grabs.

September 19, 2009 Posted by | (Un)Limited Government, Agenda of the Left, Fiscal (Ir)Responsibility, Life with Big Brother, Politics, Wake Up, WordPress Political Blogs | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What Obama Said to SEIU

Finally, the entire video and the whole quote in context.  Check out Philip Klein’s post from American Spectator.  This shows the President’s and the Democrats’ desire to change the structure of the system.  Bankrupt capitalism, increase unemployment to double digits, increase worry about health care coverage — what a lead-in to total control of people’s personal lives.

Drudge has been pumping up a video purporting to show Obama in March 2007 telling the SEIU that his health care plan would eliminate private health coverage. I haven’t blogged about it at this point because the video only excerpted a short clip, and I didn’t want to pass judgment until I heard the full context of his quote. I was able to track down the full video of his question and answer session, and wanted to set the record straight about what Obama did and didn’t say. Let me start by quoting Obama’s fuller statement (bold refers to section in the Drudge-linked video):

“As I indicated before, I think we’re going to have to have some system where people can buy into a larger pool. Right now their pool is typically their employer, but there are other ways of doing it. I would hope that we could set up a system that allows those who can’t go through their employer to access a federal system or a state pool of some sort. But I don’t think we’re going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately. There’s going to be potentially some transition process. I can envision a decade out, or 15 years out, or 20 years out, where we’ve got a much more portable system, employers still have the option of providing coverage, but many people may find that they get better coverage or at least coverage that gives them more for the health care dollars that they spend outside of their employer, and I think we’ve got to facilitate that and let individuals make that choice to transition out of employer coverage. I do believe that employers are going to have to pay or play. I think that employers either have to provide health care coverage for their employees, or they’ve got to make a decision that they’re going to help pay for those who don’t have coverage outside the employer system, so I think that’s one important principle.”

(Video below, relevant section begins around the 1:25 minute mark.)

Some background. There are health care policy experts on both the left and right who agree that the employer-based insurance system is problematic because people can’t take their health insurance from job to job and losing a job can often mean losing one’s health coverage. But these experts offer drastically different remedies. Advocates of a free market system argue for changing the tax code that currently discriminates against those purchasing insurance on their own to the advantage of those purchasing insurance through their employers. Such a change would not only address the portability issue, but also give people an incentive to search for better deals, since they’d be paying rather than their employers. But liberals argue, fundamentally, that there can’t be a functional market for individual insurance because in order to get a good deal on insurance a person needs to be part of a larger pool, typically either an employer or the government. And this is the point Obama is trying to make. 

In the video, when Obama talks about creating a different sort of pool, he’s referring to what is now being described as a government insurance exchange, along the lines of what they have in Massachusetts. What he’s saying is that he wants to give people the option of either getting insurance through their employers, or through the government exchange.  Over time, he says, he can see that leading to a system in which most (if not all) people buy their health insurance at a government store instead of through their employers. Would this be the same as eliminating private insurance? Not technically, since private insurers could do business through the exchange. But at the same time, all of the private insurers would be subject to much more government control, and if Obama gets his way, they’d have to go up against a new government-run plan that would also be offered on the exchange.

It’s important to note that these comments were made just two months after Obama announced he was going to run for president, and before he even had a formal plan. Now we have actual bills to look at and thus can see how they stack up against what he talked about in the March 2007 remarks.

On one hand, the House Democrats’ bill, once implemented, would not allow individuals to purchase insurance outside of a government store. (More detail here). On the other hand, much to the chagrin of liberals, the Democratic bills also restrict the ability of an individual already covered by his or her employer to opt out of that plan and purchase health insurance through the government exchange. In other words, one provision would accelerate the number of people who buy their insurance through government, while the other would place limitations on it.

The Drudge-linked video also includes the 2003 clip of Obama arguing that he favors a single-payer health care system to the AFL-CIO, as well as clips of Democratic Reps. Barney Frank and Jan Schakowsky arguing that offering a government-run plan (or “public option”) will lead to single-payer over time. Taken together, I think this highlights Democratic double-talk on health care. When speaking to liberal audiences who want a single-payer system, Democrats will argue to them that offering a government-run plan within a government-run exchange is the politically pragmatic way of getting to a single-payer system over time. But when addressing the general public, they talk about the government plan merely as something that will provide people with “choice” and foster “competition.” They don’t get to have it both ways.

Reprinted from

August 4, 2009 Posted by | (Definitely Not) Free Markets, (Un)Limited Government, Agenda of the Left, Fiscal (Ir)Responsibility, Politics | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment